Sunday 2 March 2014

Lights, Camera, Action

Brothers! sisters! Are you ready for battle?! (Gladiator voice) its been a very action packed time at the cinema this month and this will continue on through next month as well! That is why, this week I will be..

  • Reviewing Non-Stop
  • Previewing 300: Rise of an Empire
  • Previewing Captain America: The winter soldier
  • Previewing the next episode of Arrow. 
  • And I have Very exciting news regarding The Flash TV show


So you probably already know that this film features Liam Nesson as Bill, an Air Marshall on a British Aqualantic airline flight. He is a drunkard who's really not coping with life because his daughter died of cancer. you can't blame him really! So you can probably guess from what you know and the picture that some crazy s**t goes down on this plane! Bill keeps receiving texts on his secure line saying that they want 150 million dollars or someone dies every 20 minutes. man his life is tough! The passengers on the plane start loosing trust in Bill because of his unorthodox, harsh tactics of trying to get information out of people. The film is very tense, very, very tense right from the start all the way to the end.

Neeson has his badass action scenes throughout with twists and turns that keep you guessing. You don't know who to trust! even the captain seemed to act weird. the methods he uses to try and find the killer are both smart and violent. My favourite scenes of the film is where the passengers have there seat belts on but Bill doesn't because he thinks Jen (a trusted passenger) is going to die. He runs down the aisle and the pressure in the plane is too high and they both go flying up to the top of the plane. It was AWESOME!!! The final scenes of the film are soo intense it gets really entertaining. I recommend you go and watch this film. I give it a blog of steel rating of 9/10.


This Friday is the release of the sequel to the action packed brutally badass 300. You wanna see action, violence, cool gladiator voices and ship wars? this is your film. This film does not feature the same actors as its previous film but the story will continue. It is set after the death of the 300 from the first film. Its the Greeks against the invading Persian navy. The film is directed by the visual director Zack Snyder which means its gonna be very very AWESOME looking. I have no doubt that the battle scenes will be filmed very well and the killing will look very realistic. "SEIZE YOUR GLORY!" sorry about that, I got a little carried away. This is the thing I really want to see in this film, Warrior quotes that are said before battle. Like the one from the trailer, "we chose to DIE ON OUR FEET rather than LIVE ON OUR KNEES!" he says as he jumps off of the ridiculously high cliff to stick a sword in the mans head! I really like the badass trailer music, I don't know what it is but it gets me PUMPED! I'm really looking forward to this film but I would say, if its not your thing, Its not your thing. 

CAPTAIN AMERICA: The winter soldier!

Bear with me here, I'm not a marvel fan and I could easily tell you everything why I will hate this film because of my bias. But, i will try not to. I will preview this film as fairly as possible. This film will feature two fellow avengers Black widow and Falcon. It will tell the story of the winter soldier, who, like cap. was a science experiment to make a Stronger, Faster and all around Better military soldier. His arm had to be removed and replaced with an prosthetic arm. In the comics, he has a brief relationship with Black widow so I think that will happen. 
He is technically a good guy as he works for S.H.E.L.D on covert missions but has a personal vendetta against the cap. You'll find out why. This film will feature in depth action scenes making use of every ability that cap and the winter soldier have. We will see more MODERN DAY uses of captain america. And this is why I remain optimistic about this film. We all know how marvel do there box office hits, High budget really cool, really high sequenced films jam packed with action, humor and badassery. There's a cool conversation between Nick Fury and Cap where Fury says "It looks like you're the one giving the orders now" and cap flicks up his shield and replies "DAMN RIGHT!" Captain america 2 is set to release in the UK later this month.


"The Promise" is the being called the turning point of season two by many of the producers and cast of the show. Obviously because Slade Wilson has made his return to Starling City. That handshake at the end of last weeks episode was so powerful and Oliver's facial expression said it all. This episode will feature a lot of flashbacks to the time on the island and will feature some huge fights, Stunts and production. Marc Guggenheim is one of the producers for arrow and he said, and I quote, "it makes the last season finale look like a student film." I nearly exploded when I read that. My favourite character on Arrow right now is Slade I love everything about the way he acts, the looks he gives and the things he says. He was the perfect choice of actor for Deathstroke. *SPOILER ALERT* Roy picks up a bow and arrow! is he finally becoming red arrow!?!?!? I hope so. Dammit I hope so! 
We will see Slade put the Deathstroke mask back on in a flashback and will Slade find out the truth about how Shado died? If he does, what would he do to Oliver? So many questions!!!! This episode has the potential to be the greatest episode of a live action TV show we have ever seen. S.H.I.E.L.D who?! This episode is NOT the season finale so do not worry we have a fair few weeks of arrow left this TV season as the scheduled finale date is Wednesday May 14, 2014. If this is the best episode they have ever done, what does the rest of the season have instore for us?! I cant wait to find out! 

The FLASH TV show

FLASH..........AAHAAAAA!........ DC have released an actual, real photo of Grant Gustin as The Flash and he looks FREEAAAKING AWESOME!
 To be honest im not sure if I need to say anything about this. The picture speaks for itself. They could've made it look so stupid because its easy to fail when trying to make the flash look cool. And I will admit I wasn't the most optimistic person about the costume. I knew it wouldn't look too bad but I didn't know they were going to make THE BEST FLASH COSTUME I COULD'VE IMAGINED!!!! We saw from the two episodes of arrow and his time on glee (I watched it because i found out he would be flash. Don't jude!) that Grant can clearly portray Barry Allen's awkward personality and the Flash's charisma. The pilot is supposed to start filming soon and if it goes well The Flash will get the green light. What do ya think? are you as excited as I am? Tell me by commenting below!

That's another week just gone like it was nothing! time goes fast doesn't it! Next week I am going to try and watch 300 so I can review it, I will review Arrow and as always update you on any news regarding anything superhero related. If you have your own thoughts, tell me what they are by commenting below. Be sure to click that follow button near the top of the page as well. Don't have a google account? just below the follow button is a box which allows you to subscribe by email. its free and all it does is notify you when I publish a new post. Feel free to share this through Twitter or Facebook. The blog of steel will hopefully have it's own twitter account and Facebook page by next week for you to have say in what I talk about. It's been a fun week! see ya next time, peace out!

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