Sunday 30 March 2014

All Good Things Must Come To An End?

Happy Mothers Day! even though i doubt any mums view my blog! so instead, happy brothers and sisters day! that should be a real day! Anyway lets get to it. This week.....

  • The walking dead (Episode 15) review
  • Arrow review and preview
  • Will Gwen Stacy die? the amazing spider-man 2
  • CW announcement 

The Walking Dead Review!

Episode 15 "Us" was the second to last episode of the walking dead's fourth season. It saw the reunion of Glenn and Maggie in a moment that was less happy then it should've been. They got over it really quickly. We saw what was probably 5 minutes of the "rick group", We saw Daryl hold his own with his new hunter buddies but we still haven't seen Beth?! I think she might be at terminus. The episode saw nearly all the characters draw very close to the end of the train line and we even saw Glenn's group make it there! 
They were greeted by a woman who seemed nice but also seemed a little weird. The terminus had no defence or guards which is extremely strange for a camp in a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! It was a good, tense build up for the series finale which airs in the US today and in the UK tomorrow. I have no idea whatsoever what is going to happen in the finale. Surely it cant just be they all get reunited! I wouldn't like that at all. If they did do that it would be like they're trying to end the walking dead completely! which, by the way, they are not doing because the show has been renewed for a fifth season. Sorry if I scared you there! My review of the finale will be on next Sunday! Its a little irrelevant but i had to show you guys this picture!

Arrow Review and Preview!

Episode 17 "Birds Of Prey" was a cool episode! the fights between the Canary and The Huntress were really well done especially when Sara got thrown out of the window! For me The huntress is a brilliant character, they chose the right actress to play her but i just wish she would stay on the show! at least for a couple of episodes! The dialogue between Sara and Laurel was tense and really conflicting! they played the whole sister-sister well. There is one moment in this episode that i really liked, When Officer Lance called "The Arrow" and Oliver's phone rang but he covered it up by saying it was Moira. That was sooo funny! A moment in between all the madness actions and hostages that just makes you smile! It is there just to remind you that this is a superhero program. On to Roy. ahhh Roy. He got shot in his hand and said "it'll heal by tomorrow" POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT! in the comics Roy gets a bad injury from the villain "Prometheus" which lead to Roy having his arm amputated. The gun shot was a little nod to this moment. Whether or not it will actually happen? i don't know! Will we see the Huntress on Arrow again? I think we will.

Episode 18 is called "deathstroke" and this episode WILL be EXPLOSIVE! From the promo we can see that Oliver finds out that Slade has kidnapped Thea and Oliver wants to fight back! We also see that Slade finds his way to the police station, and who frees him? Moira of course! This will be probably the most action packed episode that arrow has ever had as the tension builds up towards the finale. It seems as though Oliver will fire another arrow into the eye of Slade! That's very interesting, how would that even work or make sense? I don't know but this episode will be cool and it WILL involve Roy Harper, A lot! The episode Airs on Wednesday in the US.

Will Gwen Stacy die?

In the comics, Peter has to face Green Goblin, just like he will have to in the film. In the comics the fight leads to a scene on a Brooklyn bridge when Goblin throws Gwen off of the bridge! Spidey tries to shoot a web to catch Gwen but it actually ends up snapping Gwen's spine and killing her. Really sad right!? After this it kinda paved the way for Mary Jane to pick up where Gwen left off. Now, from all of the trailers we have seen for The Amazing Spider-man 2, They will tease this moment A LOT! so you will probably find yourself going "aaaagh", "Woah" and "Noooooo" every time Gwen is involved in an action scene. Some of the promotional pictures have been released and they show Emma Stone wearing an outfit on set that look a lot like the outfit she wears in the comics when she dies. Me personally, I REALLY don't want her to die in this movie.
But i think there's a high chance that she will. Sad times. Initially, Shailene Woodley was cast to play Mary Jane but her parts were removed! That might mean that Gwen will not die! or they didn't want to overcrowd the film so they left her out for the third movie. Emma Stones contract is for three movies. But she could just be for flashbacks or hallucinations in the third movie. The Studio are keeping this bridge scene VERY, VERY secretive just to keep it as a complete surprise for the audience. My final point is.. Would they really let children see Peter kill Gwen? I think not. Well at least I hope not!

CW Announcement!

Just quick note!the CW will announce their fall schedule on May 15th. This is when we will get the date of The Flash pilot! It is also very likely that the Scarlet speedster (Flash) will get a promotional trailer for his pilot! looking very much forward to it! put it in your calenders!

That's it for this week! share and comment to tell me if you liked what you read or have anything you want me to talk about! Follow me on Twitter! @The_BlogOfSteel and tweet to me about what you wanna hear! Next week I will do a season finale review for the walking dead, Review Arrow, talk about anything else I feel a lot of people are talking about and as always I will inform you about any superhero movie/TV updates! see y'all next Sunday! peace out!

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