Sunday 23 March 2014

Action and Reaction!

Hi guys!, its that time of the week again! Sadly, there isn't any Bat Vs. Supes updates to tell you about. However, its not all doom and gloom because this week we have.........

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Final Trailer
  • Arrow Review (episode 16) & Preview (episode 17)
  • The Walking Dead Review (episode 14)
  • My complete opinion on Bats VS. Supes so far! 

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Final Trailer

Yes, This means that there will be no further trailers released for TAS2 however the movie is less than a month away! April 18th in the UK. So, if you're like me you would be sooo psyched for this movie, it looks good, the first one was great and Andrew Garfield is the best Peter Parker/Spidey that the world has ever seen! Sorry Tobey! but its true. 
"I'm Amazing Too" :-(
Woop Woop that's the sound of the police!
So before you continue reading make sure that you have actually seen the final trailer. Here's the link. i don't really have to say much about this do i. Its gonna be one helluva awesome, quirky, quick witted and fun spidey film with high production swinging and fighting sequences. Not to mention the new cast members who received near to no hate such as Dane DeHaan as Harry Osborn. I started off by hating him but from seeing the trailers I kinda like him now! But yeah this film looks absolutely AWESOME! April 18th is the release date, it might just be Marvel's best film ever! seeing as though spider-man is Marvels core character. They owe it too him to give him the best film the Marvel audience has ever seen. 

Arrow - Season 2 episode 16 review and 17 preview

Episode 16 of arrow was the "Suicide Squad" it was, as predicted a very Diggles centered episode. I just want to start by getting one thing straight, i like Diggles but i didn't really want flashbacks of Diggle's life. The show is called Arrow not diggles. On the up side, the episode featured the suicide squad which did include a Harley Quinn voice cameo. We never saw who it was! interesting. Will we see her again? i want to. but i don't think we will. Shrapnel died, that was kinda fun! and i really liked Deadshot in this episode. He played his role very well and managed to play as part of the team and managed to not get killed by Dig. The flashbacks were very pointless and not really enjoyable. There was a part that i did like however. The part where we saw Diggle's kill the kid that he thought was an enemy. This purely just to show he deserves to be part of team.

"Hey, where's oracle?!"
Episode 17 is "Birds of Prey" any comic fans reading this will know that they are a team consisting of Black canary, Huntress and oracle. Just to be clear, Oracle will not be in the episode. and huntress and canary (Sara) will not get along especially after she was Oliver's ex and she kidnaps Laurel. Sara will be pretty angry! and it will be a very even fight. The huntress did have about a year to practice her skills, improving from a lot that she already had, even though Sara trained in the league of shadows so she should win. It does seem as though this episode will again feature less of Arrow himself. It will be centered around the Lance sisters and the huntress.

The Walking Dead Review

"don't worry..... I didn't hurt her brain"
Episode 14 of The Walking Dead season 4 was called "the grove" and it was by far the most messed up episode of the walking dead this season. I'm talking about Lizzie and Mika. Well actually just Lizzie. She was convinced that the walkers weren't going to hurt her so she wanted to prove it to Carol but she wasn't listening. Lizzie knew that to prove her point she had to do something a little bit more powerful so she kills Mika. yes, SHE KILLS MIKA! wtf?! it was up there as one of the saddest moments in the walking dead so far. Just to remind you about how painful the scene was, click here for the scene sorry the quality isn't that good. I actually believe that this may have been worse than Sophia's death. Purely because i always had a small suspicion that Sophia was dead, but I NEVER EVER saw this one coming. It made me despise and
Tag! you're it!
sympathize for a character at the same time! something that only the walking dead can do to me. It was definitely the best moment this season, i mean in a really psycho messed up way! The end of the episode left me feeling two things; it left me feeling really sorry for Carol and it left me feeling that The Walking Dead has got its spark back and sets up amazingly for the last two episodes of the season. well done Walking Dead you have my attention once again!

My Complete Opinion on Batman Vs. Superman

Yes, you heard me, im going to give you my full opinion on the upcoming DC powerhouse movie due for release in 2016. It has been the topic of sooooo much controversy ever since Ben Affleck was cast as batman. Ok, i am probably one of the only people you will read that says im really excited for this movie. I'm ok with the castings and im confident that Zach Snyder will do another fantastic job just like he did with Man Of Steel. Some people will have read that and said "YES! finally" other will read that and say "You're wrong." Well its my opinion, live with it! 

I'm going to start with Affleck. He is a great actor and director and his film Argo was award winning. He has a better muscular build than Bale did and so he will look very awesome in a
Fake! just showing you!
batsuit. Affleck's mannerisms and personality in Runner Runner were very cool and in clips of that film, I see a solid Bruce Wayne. If the suit does look like the Arkham games then its perfect, we pretty much have a real life Arkham Batman, whats wrong with that? Ok, now onto Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. I am a huge fan of fast and furious and i loved her in them! she was badass and she hated men thinking they were better than women. Perfect for Wonder Woman.
Fake Again!
 She is thinner than past carnations and she isn't very muscly however she can train and build muscle. She can train in martial arts. She has the face of Wonder Woman and its not about body shape to play the character. Shes hot. What more do we need; she can act, fight, she is hot, and she can get stronger. Stop hating! I've already talked about Eisenberg as Lex in one of my past blogs. I'm extremely happy with this choice. Henry Cavil was very good in Man Of Steel so i am very happy that they kept him on for the sequel and i think his characters personality will oppose Afflecks Batman and will Suit Gadot's Wonder Woman.The costume was done very well and Wonder Woman and Batman will follow that trend. I'm Super - over the freaking top - excited for this film and i have no doubt in my mind that this film will be super BADASS! and will destroy anything that Marvel try. Sorry Marvel fans!!

That's it for this week! sorry if i got a little tempered in that last section there! but im passionate about it! what can i say! If you are reading this from the USA you will most likely have already seen episode 15 of the walking dead, sorry it comes out on Mondays in the UK :-/ So! as always, comment tell me what you think of this weeks blog and even tell me what you want to hear about next week. Even if its not about superheroes! i don't mind. Please click the follow button near the top and share this blog anyway you can! text link, Facebook, Twitter anyway you can! The blog of steel has its own twitter now so follow me for on the dot updates! @The_BlogOfSteel even tweet to me about what you want to now about, I don't bite! Next week I will be back on Sunday as usual. See you all next week, Peace out! 

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