Sunday 13 April 2014

Who Will Survive!?

Hello! people!! I am truly sorry for not posting last week, I had "things" I had to deal with (revision for exams). I hope you can forgive me. I have two weeks to talk about, So this week I will...............

  • Arrow "Deathstroke" Review
  • The Walking Dead finale "A" Review 
  • The Quiet Ones
  • My Opinion on New (well, new to me) TV show, The Tomorrow People.

Arrow Review

"That Rebellious Juice was nice though!"
"Deathstroke" was the 18th episode of Arrow's still going strong second season. And what an episode it was!!! And first off, I noticed one thing on this episode, I noticed how freaking scary Brother Bloods mask is! I also realized how scared Thea must have been. Team arrow caused Lance to arrest Slade Wilson but of course he found his way out of this, which led to the arrest of officer Lance. Sad times. Roy had a sip of the rebellious juice as he was against everything that Oliver did. This was very negatively reviewed, "Oh why was Roy being like that man?" and "What was up with Roy!?" well, I was on his side, ok, im a MASSIVE red arrow fan but still come on! Oliver made some bad decisions. 

"haha, We are already downtown!"
The Roy "theatricals" queued the best quote of the season, "Of course you're going to agree with him, you're screwing him!" So onto the huuuuge Fight scene!!! it was maaaad! Oliver went on a RAMPAGE killing and knocking out anyone who was in his way just to get to an empty warehouse room! best fight scene we have ever seen on a superhero TV show. The end of the episode saw Roy leaving Starling City, don't worry guys he will be back soon. Just a week break I think! on the whole, great episode. Thea found out about Malcolm, Laurel found out about Oliver being the Arrow and Slade is working with Isobel Roschev.  

The Walking Dead Review!

"I'm friends with the monster thats under my bed"
Oh My God. Are they cannibals!? I thought that was the only type of psychopath that the walking dead was missing! Ok, before we get all depressing about everything that was sad, lets look at the fact nearly all of them were reunited!! except Carol, Tyreese, Judith and Beth. So, Rick, Michonne and Daryl killed the hunters, thank god!, and then they made it to terminus where Rick was smart enough to realise something wasn't right when he saw Glenn's watch and Maggie's rag. We saw a little exchange between Rick and new character Abraham Ford. That was really cool! I think that Abraham and Rick are gonna be real good friends in season 5, which by the way has been confirmed, there will be a season 5! YES!! 

"Damn I look cool as hell!"
"Ahh you know, I'm just chillin!"
The finale was a seriously Thrilling ride! Carl nearly gets raped, everyone nearly dies, the people at the terminus eat people, Beth is still missing and god knows where Judith is! Is it ever going to get better for them? Problem after problem! Everyone that we love on the show stuck in a crate together! again, sad times. What I found interesting is the powdered milk on the floor by the crate. Its for babies, so you would presume Judith but she wasn't there? hmmm what does that mean? have the weirdos eaten the baby? I hope not, that is a little far! This episode also featured quote of the season, 
"They're going to feel pretty stupid when they find out"
"Find out what?" asks abraham
"They're screwing with the wrong people" I cant wait for season 5, it should premiere october/november 2014. But same rules apply. If Daryl dies, we riot!!! 

The Quiet Ones Review

Que creepy ass horror music because im about to review the latest cinema horror, the quiet ones. Considering I have NEVER seen a horror movie at the cinema, I was entertained. Ok, I was a little scared, but it was just sudden noises that made me jump. The storyline was pretty lame, However the background story was pretty intriguing! I think I found the quiet ones more interesting then scary. I liked the concept. But I didn't really like the film. The cast played their parts well but the film itself let the actors down. There is a lot of anticipation horror, and some pretty intense scenes with Jane or Eve or whatever her name was! It was predictable and for me, it was pretty obvious that Joseph had some history with his past patient David.
Better out than in!
I couldn't quite work out what year the film was supposed to be set it though, it seemed very old fashioned. The film featured the normal cliche religious element where it was found she wasn't just abnormal, she was an evil "Carrier" for the devil or one of his associates! The film did well to create the feeling of you being a participant in the experiment like when they gathered around the table, it felt like you were there as well. Another thing I didn't like was the doll. It is seen too often in horror movies that it just becomes lame and expected rather than the intended scary. Overall it was average not brilliant but not different. I give this film a Blog of Steel rating of 4/10 wait for the DVD, don't watch it at the cinema.  

The Tomorrow People.

So a friend suggested that I start watching this TV show called the Tomorrow People. It airs on the CW as does Arrow. The main Actor Robbie Amell is the cousin of Arrow's Stephen Amell. So I gave it a go. I really like it! I am on a craaaazy catch up, and I will be up to date soon. If you don't watch this TV program, I highly recommend you start. It is very good. First three episodes set the scene, and the rest expand on the foundation. It is a supernatural drama which features a superior species that have special powers such as telekinesis and teleportation. its really cool. Honestly, Its really really cool. Im going to eventually catchup so that I can do reviews on this as well. I tell you what, Its first season kills Arrows first season and I love arrow! PLease, Give it a go!!!
"My name, is Stephen Jameson"

Thats all for this week folks! once again I am sorry that I didn't post last week, I will try my hardest to ensure that never happens again. As always be sure to click like at the top of the page, Subscribe through google or by email, Follow me on twitter @The_BlogOfSteel for updates in real time and tweet me about how you felt with the colour changes this week. Come back next week for another post! I am Kal El and this is The Blog Of Steel. Peace out.

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