Sunday 23 February 2014


Hello!!! On time for the second week in a row! That seems like a good sign right, well, this week I went to watch the reboot of RoboCop! so i'll be reviewing that for you, Arrow is back next week along with originals and TVD. I will preview episode 11 of the Walking Dead, Plus there is more news and rumors about Batman/Superman for you and casting for the fantastic four reboot! it's gonna be a pretty long one so I will make it as entertaining and as colorful as possible. Lets get to it!

RoboCop Review.

Lets start with RoboCop, the trailers and posters make it clear that this film will be set in a time where technology has had huge advances, there are giant robots serving justice on the streets of just about every country but america! because of the fact that people don't want a machine running there lives because "machines don't know what it is like to be human". So the billionaire behind all of the machines, Raymond Sellars, creates RoboCop. And it looks sooo cool! all redesigned and black, thinner and cooler then any other older RoboCop designs. After the police records were input into his brain they had to decrease his human emotion and give the machine more control. Then I saw the one thing I went to see, RoboCop defying protocol and being a total badass. the action scenes were brilliant but BLURRED AT TIMES.
 I really liked how his actions worked frequently and smoothly with his technology, the way he used police records, CCTV and analysed peoples emotions. I liked how he put is own murder investigation as top priority and he found moles within the police department. We really saw the machine take control at some points when he would kill with no hesitation however he managed to slowly override it. The end of the film sees RoboCop reunited with his family and a REALLY ANNOYING speech from Samuel L. Jackson. It sets it up for maybe more films to come. Overall I really liked it and I got what I expected to get so i'll give it a blog of steel rating of 8/10. 

Batman/Superman Update! reports that Warner Bros. could have possibly made a casting call for a black actor in his early 20s who is physically fit. It was also rumored that this actor may have a really small part in Bats/Supes but will recur in more upcoming DC films. Could this be for Cyborg? it sounds like it to me. The rumor was that one of the shortlisted actors was Micheal B. Jordan but he has been cast in a Marvel film which i'll talk about that below so I doubt it! At first I wasn't happy about Cyborg but after watching Justice League war im ok with it. I think that Zack Snyder could do a brilliant job of bringing Cyborg to life.

Fantastic Four reboot Casting.

You may or may not know but Marvel had plans for a fantastic four reboot and it was officially confirmed last week that these plans have been given the go ahead and the four heroes have been cast! personally, I liked the old two and I really didn't fell like it needed a reboot! Also I even said it at the time I really don't think you can have a new actor play Mr Fantastic, Ioan Gruffudd looks like him and played him so well he should've won a comic oscar! (even though they don't exist!). So there are really strong rumors that are almost 98% sure about and one official casting. The official one is Micheal B. Jordan as The human torch. And the rumors are Kate Mara as Invisible Woman, Miles Teller as Mr fantastic and Jamie Bell as The Thing. Why are they so young? they don't look like astronauts to me! but I will wait to watch it to make a real decision.

Arrow- time of death preview!

Arrow's 14th episode of it's expectations smashing second season is the return after the too long two week break and I really cant wait for Thursday! The episode features the villain the Clock King who uses his precise timing to get into the heads of the heroes who try to stop him. He always seems to know information on his targets before he attacks them so Arrow needs to be careful! We will see a welcome home party for Sara  and of course Laurel isn't too happy about it and gets even more angry when Oliver shows up. Felicity is feeling left out because of all the superheroes running around so she decides to investigate on her own. We all know how that is gonna turn out! so Arrow will have to save Felicity and save the day. But it just asks the same question again, where is Roy?? click here for the link to the promo!

The Walking Dead - "Claimed" preview 

Episode 11 of the walking dead's fourth season develops on how the separate groups are trying to survive and find each other. At the end of last weeks episode we were introduced to Abraham, Rosita and Eugene, it seems as though this weeks episode will reveal a little more about who they are. From the scene which ended last episode we can see that they all look pretty clean and they have weapons
This must mean they have a camp set up somewhere, maybe its the sanctuary at the end of the train tracks that Carol and Tyreese found? The episode will feature more flash backs of Michonne's past and how it starting to effect her now. I really want to see Rick back on his feet again because since Carol was killing people in the prison, he has been sick and beaten and i'm getting kind of sick of it! Hopefully in this episode if Rick is still injured, we will see Michonne's badassery take up most of the screen time. Click here for promo!!!!. The main new character is from the walking dead comics and is known as sgt. Abraham Ford. Who exactly is this guy? wait and see.

That's all for this week I hope you enjoyed what you have read and agree with what I've said, but like always, if you don't agree with what I say air your opinions in the comments box below and I will discuss any issues or opinions you have. You have to make a google account to be able to comment or subscribe but its free, it takes like a couple of mins and it would really make me happy! :-) Next week on Sunday I will review the episodes of Arrow, the Originals and TVD and as always informing you of any breaking news. let me know how you feel by commenting on this blog of steel. Peace out!

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