Sunday 2 February 2014

News and Reviews!

Welcome to the second week of the Blog of Steel! this week marked some important casting in the upcoming bats/Supes and Arrow! I missed episode 11 of TVD when it came out but i managed to watch it this week so that is the one i'll be reviewing this week. It marked the Vampire Diaries's 100TH episode! and a milestone in the story of Green Arrow. its been a good week! hope you like what you read. lets start with the film and TV updates from this week! 

Film/TV updates!

Lex Luthor and Alfred cast for Batman Vs Superman. Jesse Eisenberg and John Irons have been cast as Lex Luthor and Alfred in the upcoming Batman Vs Superman movie which is currently due for release on May 6th 2016. For me, im not unhappy with this choice. The social Network is one of my favorite films and Eisenberg did an excellent job in that movie. Will he be able to play Lex? I'm not sure but his quick wit and personality which he portrays as Mark Zuckerberg can be closely related to a familiar Lex Luthor (smallville). However with that being said Eisenberg looks very young. And small. So my final verdict is that i think he will do a brilliant job at playing mind games with Cavill (superman) and i think that their opposing personalities will compliment each other. That's great! but I don't think that Eisenberg has the physical presence that is needed when playing superman's most notorious villain. Now, on to Irons as Alfred. I'm very happy with this choice, so much so, that i have no criticisms at all! Irons starred in the TV show the Borgia's where he played the pope! he did an excellent job with this role. His mannerisms and his posture which he demonstrated in the Borgias can  literally be copied over to Bats vs Supes. He isn't Micheal Caine but trust me, he will be a great. they join the building cast of Cavill, Affleck, and Gadot.

Nyssa Al Ghul has been cast in Arrow. Katrina Law has been cast as Ra's Al Ghul's daughter! (sister of Talia) she will appear as a member of the league of Shadows who has come back to starling to "collect" Sara. Katrina Law appeared in Spartacus for a short while where she played a bad ass warrior who was killing more than the main characters were! she already has fighting skills and she knows how to use a bow and arrow. that's a big thing considering she will be on the show called arrow!

Here on the blog of steel I love good TV shows, and im not all about the superheroes. if its good ill watch it! im currently on a catch up of breaking bad, and im keeping up to date with shows like arrow, Vampire Diaries and The Walking Dead. this brings us to the next section of this weeks blog! the review section. SPOILER ALERT! this section will contain spoilers so skip this section if you haven't seen this weeks episodes of Arrow and last weeks episode of The vampire diaries.


Arrow season 2 episode 12 - "Tremors" was the 12th episode of arrow's explosive second season and it takes some vital steps in explaining the basics of green arrows story. im talking about Roy Harper. Ever since his first appearance in the second half of season 1, fans everywhere have been screaming out for Roy to become Red Arrow. And the wait is so nearly over! ok. lets calm down a bit and start from the start. The episode opens with a fairly gruesome scene where the bronze tiger breaks out of iron heights! We further see drunk laurel and her deterioration. Detective Lance tries to help by taking her to alcoholics anonymous but it wasn't taken to well and laurel stormed off. Showdown time!!! arrow swings in like Tarzan while Roy takes down the bronze tiger but cant control his anger again so he repeatedly punches him. Meanwhile, Arrow realizes that the earthquake machine is in a crate which he cant get to but Roy can. The arrow cant convince Roy to stop but Oliver could. we see one of the biggest moments of season 2 here where the arrow reveals his identity to Roy. I got so happy at this point i nearly screamed! ok i did scream. Roy punched a hole in the crate and saved the day! Roy was then introduced to Diggles and Felicity which is weird as he was supposed to have met Diggles before the season break! this marked Roy's initiation into team arrow! The episode closes with Laurel coming home drunk and falling on the floor, her vision is blurred but she sees Sara, this sets up very nicely for next weeks episode which i will preview early next week. In terms of this second season this was one of my favorite episodes, purely because of the Developments in the foundations of green arrow. It allows for multiple seasons of expansions and milestones in Oliver Queens life.

The Vampire Diaries season 5 episode 11 - "500 years of solitude" saw the return of TVD and the mark of the 100th episode! It starts from after the point where we saw Katherine fall down the stairs of the Salvatore house presumably due to old age problems. Damon and Jeremy are seen drinking to all of Katherine's most notorious moments whilst Katherine is upstairs dying! . This ques the entrance of Nadia where she tells the "gang" that she has buried Matt in the dreaded safe somewhere around the Salvatore estate. this is because she wants Elena and Stephan help her because she has found a way to keep Katherine alive by making her a traveler in someone elses body. Everyone else splits up to find Matt. On Caroline's journey we come across Klaus who has returned to see Katherine die! Klaus and Caroline have their moment that everyone wanted them to have. Damon continuously tortures Katherine mentally making her think at one point that Elijah was there for her but he wasn't. Rebbekah's return shows her freeing Matt from the safe. Elena and Stephan get in an awkward situation when loads of travelers force Elena to put her blood in a bucket. Back at the Salvatore house, everyone is chilling and Bonnie is talking to Vicky and passing on messages to Matt,Jeremy passing on messages from Alaric to Damon. Not forgetting that Jenna also returned in one of Katherine's Hallucinations. It was a nice reunion that also saw the return of Tyler woohoo! :-( Now for the bombshell that closed the episode! Elena went to say she forgives Katherine and because of this Katherine allows Elena to be the one to kill her. But, just as Elena goes to do it Katherine casts the spell which allows her to be a traveler in Elena's body. True Katherine style! causing a jaw dropping moment at the end of the episode which you hate but you know its sooooo cool at the same time!          

And that's all for this week! not bad for a second week huh! my next blog will be early next week previewing that weeks episodes of TVD, Originals and Arrow. I hope you have enjoyed what you have read and come back next week for more! make sure you like and share this blog anyway you want, and if you have anything you want to say, let me know how you feel, comment on this blog of steel. peace out!

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