Monday 9 June 2014


I'm back!! I know it has been ages since I posted something and i'm sorry but I had exams. Well, I still have exams but im nearly done! I have enough time to actually post something every sunday! So lets get to it! This week I will be....

  • Updating you on the upcoming, NOW TITLED, Batman VS Superman movie 
  • Reviewing the Arrow Season finale
  • Reviewing the Flash extended trailer 

BATMAN v SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice

You still think i'm not Lex?
Yes! the official name and logo have been released! BATMAN v SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice! of course, this has received a lot of hate over the internet, which is expected now. But once again, I am really happy with this choice of title. It perfectly sets the franchise up for a Justice League movie, which is all I really want from life! before you freak out saying "oh but its not a superman sequel" or "why couldn't they just call it Dawn of Justice" well, think about it! Thor gained so much hype after avengers so Supes will too! plus, if all goes well, imagine the anticipation for what comes next. And the title, if it was just called Dawn of Justice all the old people or cave inhabitants would be like "what? I don't know what this is. I'm not watching it" Whereas, you mention bats and supes and everyone goes crazy! The only minor problem I have with the title is the "v". Why 'v'?? why not 'VS'? That puzzles me! but still, overall its a great choice of title and it gets me all the more excited for its release. The logo is epic. Its untouchable. And with the title underneath, its amazing. A few days ago I had some doubts about Eisenberg as lex until I saw this fake picture of him bald. I was of the opinion that he has the swagger of lex but he wont look good bald. I was wrong! He looks awesome and it has removed any doubts from my mind. I cant wait!

Arrow - Season Finale

We're pretty badass!
"Unthinkable" was epsiode 23 and the last episode of Arrow's strong second season. And as an episode of a superhero TV show it was very good. It had the badass moments that we expected to see and it gave us the typical cheesy scenes between the characters. Especially that scene where roy has his 'golden arrow' moment when he fires that one shot right on the money! The episode had the usual expanded budget of a season finale with cool effects and situations that make it badass. I suppose the name 'unthinkable' implied that one big thing was going to happen that would drastically change the course of the episode. However there was a few small things that were unthinkable.

Red Arrow is HERE!
 For example we found out that Diggle's is a father, Oliver said he loved felicity, Thea left with malcolm, Sara left, Detective Lance got hurt and Slade was put in prison! all of which are pretty unthinkable! But lets talk about the flashbacks, I liked them, then I accepted them, and now? I really do not like them! I hope that in season three they slow them down and make them less frequent. Now onto the final fight between Oliver and Slade! After Oliver had outsmarted Slade by making him think that Felicity is the girl that he loves (or does he really love her?) they had their final showdown! And it was one hell of an epic fight which flashbacked to the scenes on the island where Oliver drove an arrow through the eye of slade. The fight ended with a cured slade tied up against a wall. Defeated. Amanda Waller called off the strike, Starling city was saved once again!
"Kill me or not, I win."
The season finale was different then a standard CW finale. There was no real surprise or twisty cliff hanger to end the season it was more of an episode where all storylines were closed and a
happy end was reached. This is to show the fact that Oliver is now a hero. He saved the city without killing and locked slade in prison where he is unable to hurt anyone. It sets season three up with endless possibilities. I like that. We can go anywhere from here. A little storyline teaser wouldn't have hurt though! But overall, a strong, confident end to a strong, confident second season.

The Flash - Extended trailer review

This picture is sooooo badass!

Before I continue, if you haven't seen the extended trailer, the  link is here!
Flash costume looking cool!
I'm going to say, that this program looks amazing for comic fans, it looks funny, entertaining, cool, awesome, and a great representation of an iconic comic character. However, to a non comic fan, it may seem a little stupid. Say, if you compare it to he quicksilver scene in the new Xmen. That was on a movie budget. The Flash definitely has a TV show budget! so it will not look as cool as that. But to me it seems like they have done the best job they could do. The visuals seem as though they will be more like sharp red and gold lighting strikes that 'flash' as barry runs. This is especially seen where we see the murder of Barry's mother (0:15 in the video) and these visuals are stunning! I think that Grant portrays a very relatable and friendly Barry Allen. His character is easy to empathise with. The trailer shows that BArry has hero in him since day 1 but the main part of season 1 will be barry trying to learn new things that his powers can do whilst using them to destroy minor meta-humans that cause the city some disruption. Arrow is seen in the trailer just to confirm that Oliver will be involved in the flash pilot and may have more appearances later on. Iris looks great, she plays the role well and it looks like they got the casting right. We will have to wait and see if she plays the usual damsel in distress! Caitlin Snow has had a brilliant performance already as seen in arrow and it looks like she will play a huge part in the series. yes!!
As I was repeatedly watching the trailer i noticed something cool at (2:12). Site where they test Barry's speed is a FERRIS AIR testing facility. Im hoping that a lot of you just went "OMG GREEN LANTERN!" yes, Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern works at Ferris Air. could we be getting a lantern spin off? seems a little far fetched but we can hope!

That is it for this week! I am back in full flow and I will be posting every Sunday! or at least, if I cant post, I will let you know and I will post on a different day! Make sure you follow me and subscribe by clicking the button near the top of the page! Let me know your thoughts on the new title, The arrow finale, The flash or anything you want to talk about by commenting below and tweeting me @The_BlogOfSteel 
Have a good week and I will see you next sunday! peace out!

Sunday 20 April 2014

The Seriously, Freaking, AMAZING Spider-man 2!

Your spidey senses are tingling so I guess you realised what im going to be talking about this week! I am going to review The Amazing Spiderman 2. Spider-Man is my favourite superhero of all time and is pretty much the face of marvel comics, and so this blog post, will be just about the web slinger! enjoy.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

"you know what I love about being spider-man?.........Everything!" I want to start off by saying that this film, gets a Blog Of Steel rating of 10/10. And its the film that puts me back on the fence between DC and Marvel. I love spider-man, Im a huge fan, but I didn't like the original trilogy. However, the reboot was everything that I wanted it to be. It found the perfect balance between humour, action and sadness. The sequel continues to use this perfect balance. We see expansions on the parents back story to open the film, we then see how the people of New York have grown to love Spider-Man and we see the guilt that still overwhelms Peter from the death of Uncle Ben and Captain Stacy (Gwens dad). Along side this, we see Peter reunited with his long term friend Harry Osbourn and we see Peter trying to maintain his relationship with Gwen whilst he saves the city. 

Visual Effects

I want to destroy any negative thoughts and worries that some people have had about the CGI, it was visually spectacular! spideys webs looked awesome, his costume was perfect and the action scenes were mostly clear and visually stunning. Electro's skin perfectly conveyed the energy it was consuming and the power that it wanted to release. There is only one problem I had with the CGI, and that was the way they designed the Green Goblin. They went for the 'mutation' take, which means that he was infected with a virus caused by the radioactive spider that bit spiderman, however, the experiment only works with anyone in Richard Parkers bloodline. Harry found the goblin suit and wore it to fully become the green goblin. His face didn't look great. I would've preferred a mask. I believe that you can't beat the goblin design from the original Spider-Man 1. 

Jamie Foxx as Electro

Jamie Foxx as electro. Amazing! An oscar winning, joke telling, hollywood nice guy, playing a superhero villain! Awesome! Max (Jamie Foxx before he becomes electro!) starts by thinking that the world doesn't see him, and thinks that he is unimportant. This is until Spider-Man saves his life! He becomes obsessed with Spidey. He then has the shocking accident (pun intended) which turns him into electro. He starts getting angry when Spidey doesnt recognise him and the police keep shooting him, understandably really! We then see a MASS display of his powers! He wipes out the whole of times square in one epic scene! he is then taken to the RavenCroft institute, prison for the criminally insane (equivelant to Batman's ARkham Asylum). This is where he becomes more powerful. He eventually comes back for round two with spidey and it is the best action scene I have ever seen in a superhero movie. It was entertaining and fluid. It was smooth and exciting, spectacular and amazing! (see what I did there!) The damage done to Spidey and electro in this scene was immense! I never wanted the fight to end! His acting as a needy, invisible nobody turned powerfull electric being was brilliant and kept us feeling sorry for him and against him. Well done Jamie Foxx.

Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man 

Andrew Garfields performance was once again exceptional, His quirky humour on and off the job kept the audience laughing and kept those who are uninterested in the action engaged. He clearly showed the guilt that he carries on his shoulders everyday but also showed how much he enjoys doing good and saving people. Not much anticipated for his performance as it was expected that he will do very well considering his performnce in the first movie. Peter struggled with keeping his relationship with Gwen because of the promise he made to her dad in the first movie. Constantly fearing that she will get hurt. He delivers his jokes well and portrays a very likeable peter Parker almost exact to the personality I see in the comic and cartoon version. The relationship which he has with a little boy who he saves from some bullies is just magical, and displays the very thing that we love about spiderman. He mentions the name John Jonah Jameson, and talks about working for the daily bugle. For me, thats a guarantee that J.J.J will be cast for The Amazing Spiderman 3. It will be funny to see how he deals with the hate Jameson gives him.

Harry Osbourn

On to the topic of Harry Osbourn. Despite the whole face issue, I thought the rest of the suit was great. Harry wasn't the goblin for a large majority of the film, he had a short, violent time as Green Goblin. For what its worth, his acting was good as the Goblin, he was craaazy! I quickly grew to like him as Harry Osbourn. He was funny and as we have seen before, Dane DeHaan can portray a teen with "daddy Issues" very well. He nicely suited the film. He was a good choice of actor to play Peters long term best friend turned villain. He finds out that Spider-Man is Peter Parker (or the other way round) and therefore looses all hope in him. This in turn leads to him getting beaten by Spidey. He's not dead though! so expect him to be in The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Seeing his performance in this movie im glad to know he will be back!

Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy

Just like Garfield as Peter Parker, there wasn't much for Emma Stone to prove as Gwen, she was also amazing in the first film. I thought it, and they have just continued to show me, that Emma Stone was the perfect cast for Gwen Stacy. No other actress on this planet could have played her role as great as she did. Her chemistry with Peter Parker was amazing, probably the best chemistry between a hero and his love interest we have ever seen. The reason why I like Gwen Stacy is because she isn't your average damsel in distress, she is driven and wants to go places, to put her scientific knowledge to use. That role was executed perfectly by Emma Stone. Good luck topping that performance and good luck having that chemistry with Andrew, if you want to play Peter Parker's girlfriend. **SPOILER ALERT!!** do not proceed if you do not wish to read spoilers. Now I of course practically cried when we saw the famous scene of Gwen's death. As you can imagine from what you have just read, I really like her and Emma's performance as her. But the comics say it had to happen and it did, Spider-Man couldn't save Gwen, her spine snapped and she passed away. This means if she is in the next film, it would be hallucinations or flashbacks. Gwens death opens the door for Mary Jane, most likely being payed by Shailene Woodley. But I think that Emma Stone deserves a standing ovation as a great farewell to a great performance. 

The After credits scene. 

Please don't get excited, the after credit scene is a clip for Xmen days of future past. But it is not what you think. Or what you hope. There will be no X-Men/Spidey crossover, it is merely an advertising deal that Director Marc Webb made so he could get out of his Xmen contract to enable him to direct Spidey. So just to repeat.....The dream Spidey, X-men crossover WILL NOT HAPPEN. Im sorry for anyone who got as excited as I did. How cool would it have been though!! 

Whats next?

Well, as you would expect, The Amazing Spider-Man 3 is scheduled to hit the big screen in 2016. However there is also ideas about spin off films such as the Sinister Six and Venom. The sinister six are basically a league of Spideys worst enemies. That would be cool, but how would you do that movie without focusing on Spider-Man? The amazing Spider-Man 2 featured a whole host of easter eggs and references to sooo many villains. They could go anywhere. Sony are going to do as much as they possibly can with this Spider-Man. And I can't wait to see what they decide to do. 

Overall, the film was brilliant and awesome and everything you want from a Spider-Man sequel. It was funny and entertaining and all round AMAZING! Performances from all cast members were great and the film expanded on all that we loved from the first movie. I can only hope that they never stop making films in this series because I really do like them a lot. Im sad to see Gwen die but fans like Mary Jane!, I mean, she is Spider-Man's Lois Lane. Definitely watch this film. I think it is the second best film the Marvel audience has ever seen and it is for certain my second favourite film of all time just under The amazing Spider-Man 1!! This all leads to the film getting a Blog Of Steel rating of 8/10. Amazing!

Sorry for those of you who wished for my normal weekly post reviewing this weeks episode of Arrow and so on. I will be back on track with this next week. And after my exams, if there is a movie I need to review I will post a separate post with the review! I hope you enjoyed what you read and have some thoughts of your own! if you want to air your thoughts, discuss a few things or ask any questions, tweet me at @The_BlogOfSteel. Oh by the way, if you google @The_BlogOfSteel, My blog is the third result! Thats all for this week, peace out!

Sunday 13 April 2014

Who Will Survive!?

Hello! people!! I am truly sorry for not posting last week, I had "things" I had to deal with (revision for exams). I hope you can forgive me. I have two weeks to talk about, So this week I will...............

  • Arrow "Deathstroke" Review
  • The Walking Dead finale "A" Review 
  • The Quiet Ones
  • My Opinion on New (well, new to me) TV show, The Tomorrow People.

Arrow Review

"That Rebellious Juice was nice though!"
"Deathstroke" was the 18th episode of Arrow's still going strong second season. And what an episode it was!!! And first off, I noticed one thing on this episode, I noticed how freaking scary Brother Bloods mask is! I also realized how scared Thea must have been. Team arrow caused Lance to arrest Slade Wilson but of course he found his way out of this, which led to the arrest of officer Lance. Sad times. Roy had a sip of the rebellious juice as he was against everything that Oliver did. This was very negatively reviewed, "Oh why was Roy being like that man?" and "What was up with Roy!?" well, I was on his side, ok, im a MASSIVE red arrow fan but still come on! Oliver made some bad decisions. 

"haha, We are already downtown!"
The Roy "theatricals" queued the best quote of the season, "Of course you're going to agree with him, you're screwing him!" So onto the huuuuge Fight scene!!! it was maaaad! Oliver went on a RAMPAGE killing and knocking out anyone who was in his way just to get to an empty warehouse room! best fight scene we have ever seen on a superhero TV show. The end of the episode saw Roy leaving Starling City, don't worry guys he will be back soon. Just a week break I think! on the whole, great episode. Thea found out about Malcolm, Laurel found out about Oliver being the Arrow and Slade is working with Isobel Roschev.  

The Walking Dead Review!

"I'm friends with the monster thats under my bed"
Oh My God. Are they cannibals!? I thought that was the only type of psychopath that the walking dead was missing! Ok, before we get all depressing about everything that was sad, lets look at the fact nearly all of them were reunited!! except Carol, Tyreese, Judith and Beth. So, Rick, Michonne and Daryl killed the hunters, thank god!, and then they made it to terminus where Rick was smart enough to realise something wasn't right when he saw Glenn's watch and Maggie's rag. We saw a little exchange between Rick and new character Abraham Ford. That was really cool! I think that Abraham and Rick are gonna be real good friends in season 5, which by the way has been confirmed, there will be a season 5! YES!! 

"Damn I look cool as hell!"
"Ahh you know, I'm just chillin!"
The finale was a seriously Thrilling ride! Carl nearly gets raped, everyone nearly dies, the people at the terminus eat people, Beth is still missing and god knows where Judith is! Is it ever going to get better for them? Problem after problem! Everyone that we love on the show stuck in a crate together! again, sad times. What I found interesting is the powdered milk on the floor by the crate. Its for babies, so you would presume Judith but she wasn't there? hmmm what does that mean? have the weirdos eaten the baby? I hope not, that is a little far! This episode also featured quote of the season, 
"They're going to feel pretty stupid when they find out"
"Find out what?" asks abraham
"They're screwing with the wrong people" I cant wait for season 5, it should premiere october/november 2014. But same rules apply. If Daryl dies, we riot!!! 

The Quiet Ones Review

Que creepy ass horror music because im about to review the latest cinema horror, the quiet ones. Considering I have NEVER seen a horror movie at the cinema, I was entertained. Ok, I was a little scared, but it was just sudden noises that made me jump. The storyline was pretty lame, However the background story was pretty intriguing! I think I found the quiet ones more interesting then scary. I liked the concept. But I didn't really like the film. The cast played their parts well but the film itself let the actors down. There is a lot of anticipation horror, and some pretty intense scenes with Jane or Eve or whatever her name was! It was predictable and for me, it was pretty obvious that Joseph had some history with his past patient David.
Better out than in!
I couldn't quite work out what year the film was supposed to be set it though, it seemed very old fashioned. The film featured the normal cliche religious element where it was found she wasn't just abnormal, she was an evil "Carrier" for the devil or one of his associates! The film did well to create the feeling of you being a participant in the experiment like when they gathered around the table, it felt like you were there as well. Another thing I didn't like was the doll. It is seen too often in horror movies that it just becomes lame and expected rather than the intended scary. Overall it was average not brilliant but not different. I give this film a Blog of Steel rating of 4/10 wait for the DVD, don't watch it at the cinema.  

The Tomorrow People.

So a friend suggested that I start watching this TV show called the Tomorrow People. It airs on the CW as does Arrow. The main Actor Robbie Amell is the cousin of Arrow's Stephen Amell. So I gave it a go. I really like it! I am on a craaaazy catch up, and I will be up to date soon. If you don't watch this TV program, I highly recommend you start. It is very good. First three episodes set the scene, and the rest expand on the foundation. It is a supernatural drama which features a superior species that have special powers such as telekinesis and teleportation. its really cool. Honestly, Its really really cool. Im going to eventually catchup so that I can do reviews on this as well. I tell you what, Its first season kills Arrows first season and I love arrow! PLease, Give it a go!!!
"My name, is Stephen Jameson"

Thats all for this week folks! once again I am sorry that I didn't post last week, I will try my hardest to ensure that never happens again. As always be sure to click like at the top of the page, Subscribe through google or by email, Follow me on twitter @The_BlogOfSteel for updates in real time and tweet me about how you felt with the colour changes this week. Come back next week for another post! I am Kal El and this is The Blog Of Steel. Peace out.

Sunday 30 March 2014

All Good Things Must Come To An End?

Happy Mothers Day! even though i doubt any mums view my blog! so instead, happy brothers and sisters day! that should be a real day! Anyway lets get to it. This week.....

  • The walking dead (Episode 15) review
  • Arrow review and preview
  • Will Gwen Stacy die? the amazing spider-man 2
  • CW announcement 

The Walking Dead Review!

Episode 15 "Us" was the second to last episode of the walking dead's fourth season. It saw the reunion of Glenn and Maggie in a moment that was less happy then it should've been. They got over it really quickly. We saw what was probably 5 minutes of the "rick group", We saw Daryl hold his own with his new hunter buddies but we still haven't seen Beth?! I think she might be at terminus. The episode saw nearly all the characters draw very close to the end of the train line and we even saw Glenn's group make it there! 
They were greeted by a woman who seemed nice but also seemed a little weird. The terminus had no defence or guards which is extremely strange for a camp in a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! It was a good, tense build up for the series finale which airs in the US today and in the UK tomorrow. I have no idea whatsoever what is going to happen in the finale. Surely it cant just be they all get reunited! I wouldn't like that at all. If they did do that it would be like they're trying to end the walking dead completely! which, by the way, they are not doing because the show has been renewed for a fifth season. Sorry if I scared you there! My review of the finale will be on next Sunday! Its a little irrelevant but i had to show you guys this picture!

Arrow Review and Preview!

Episode 17 "Birds Of Prey" was a cool episode! the fights between the Canary and The Huntress were really well done especially when Sara got thrown out of the window! For me The huntress is a brilliant character, they chose the right actress to play her but i just wish she would stay on the show! at least for a couple of episodes! The dialogue between Sara and Laurel was tense and really conflicting! they played the whole sister-sister well. There is one moment in this episode that i really liked, When Officer Lance called "The Arrow" and Oliver's phone rang but he covered it up by saying it was Moira. That was sooo funny! A moment in between all the madness actions and hostages that just makes you smile! It is there just to remind you that this is a superhero program. On to Roy. ahhh Roy. He got shot in his hand and said "it'll heal by tomorrow" POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT! in the comics Roy gets a bad injury from the villain "Prometheus" which lead to Roy having his arm amputated. The gun shot was a little nod to this moment. Whether or not it will actually happen? i don't know! Will we see the Huntress on Arrow again? I think we will.

Episode 18 is called "deathstroke" and this episode WILL be EXPLOSIVE! From the promo we can see that Oliver finds out that Slade has kidnapped Thea and Oliver wants to fight back! We also see that Slade finds his way to the police station, and who frees him? Moira of course! This will be probably the most action packed episode that arrow has ever had as the tension builds up towards the finale. It seems as though Oliver will fire another arrow into the eye of Slade! That's very interesting, how would that even work or make sense? I don't know but this episode will be cool and it WILL involve Roy Harper, A lot! The episode Airs on Wednesday in the US.

Will Gwen Stacy die?

In the comics, Peter has to face Green Goblin, just like he will have to in the film. In the comics the fight leads to a scene on a Brooklyn bridge when Goblin throws Gwen off of the bridge! Spidey tries to shoot a web to catch Gwen but it actually ends up snapping Gwen's spine and killing her. Really sad right!? After this it kinda paved the way for Mary Jane to pick up where Gwen left off. Now, from all of the trailers we have seen for The Amazing Spider-man 2, They will tease this moment A LOT! so you will probably find yourself going "aaaagh", "Woah" and "Noooooo" every time Gwen is involved in an action scene. Some of the promotional pictures have been released and they show Emma Stone wearing an outfit on set that look a lot like the outfit she wears in the comics when she dies. Me personally, I REALLY don't want her to die in this movie.
But i think there's a high chance that she will. Sad times. Initially, Shailene Woodley was cast to play Mary Jane but her parts were removed! That might mean that Gwen will not die! or they didn't want to overcrowd the film so they left her out for the third movie. Emma Stones contract is for three movies. But she could just be for flashbacks or hallucinations in the third movie. The Studio are keeping this bridge scene VERY, VERY secretive just to keep it as a complete surprise for the audience. My final point is.. Would they really let children see Peter kill Gwen? I think not. Well at least I hope not!

CW Announcement!

Just quick note!the CW will announce their fall schedule on May 15th. This is when we will get the date of The Flash pilot! It is also very likely that the Scarlet speedster (Flash) will get a promotional trailer for his pilot! looking very much forward to it! put it in your calenders!

That's it for this week! share and comment to tell me if you liked what you read or have anything you want me to talk about! Follow me on Twitter! @The_BlogOfSteel and tweet to me about what you wanna hear! Next week I will do a season finale review for the walking dead, Review Arrow, talk about anything else I feel a lot of people are talking about and as always I will inform you about any superhero movie/TV updates! see y'all next Sunday! peace out!

Sunday 23 March 2014

Action and Reaction!

Hi guys!, its that time of the week again! Sadly, there isn't any Bat Vs. Supes updates to tell you about. However, its not all doom and gloom because this week we have.........

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Final Trailer
  • Arrow Review (episode 16) & Preview (episode 17)
  • The Walking Dead Review (episode 14)
  • My complete opinion on Bats VS. Supes so far! 

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Final Trailer

Yes, This means that there will be no further trailers released for TAS2 however the movie is less than a month away! April 18th in the UK. So, if you're like me you would be sooo psyched for this movie, it looks good, the first one was great and Andrew Garfield is the best Peter Parker/Spidey that the world has ever seen! Sorry Tobey! but its true. 
"I'm Amazing Too" :-(
Woop Woop that's the sound of the police!
So before you continue reading make sure that you have actually seen the final trailer. Here's the link. i don't really have to say much about this do i. Its gonna be one helluva awesome, quirky, quick witted and fun spidey film with high production swinging and fighting sequences. Not to mention the new cast members who received near to no hate such as Dane DeHaan as Harry Osborn. I started off by hating him but from seeing the trailers I kinda like him now! But yeah this film looks absolutely AWESOME! April 18th is the release date, it might just be Marvel's best film ever! seeing as though spider-man is Marvels core character. They owe it too him to give him the best film the Marvel audience has ever seen. 

Arrow - Season 2 episode 16 review and 17 preview

Episode 16 of arrow was the "Suicide Squad" it was, as predicted a very Diggles centered episode. I just want to start by getting one thing straight, i like Diggles but i didn't really want flashbacks of Diggle's life. The show is called Arrow not diggles. On the up side, the episode featured the suicide squad which did include a Harley Quinn voice cameo. We never saw who it was! interesting. Will we see her again? i want to. but i don't think we will. Shrapnel died, that was kinda fun! and i really liked Deadshot in this episode. He played his role very well and managed to play as part of the team and managed to not get killed by Dig. The flashbacks were very pointless and not really enjoyable. There was a part that i did like however. The part where we saw Diggle's kill the kid that he thought was an enemy. This purely just to show he deserves to be part of team.

"Hey, where's oracle?!"
Episode 17 is "Birds of Prey" any comic fans reading this will know that they are a team consisting of Black canary, Huntress and oracle. Just to be clear, Oracle will not be in the episode. and huntress and canary (Sara) will not get along especially after she was Oliver's ex and she kidnaps Laurel. Sara will be pretty angry! and it will be a very even fight. The huntress did have about a year to practice her skills, improving from a lot that she already had, even though Sara trained in the league of shadows so she should win. It does seem as though this episode will again feature less of Arrow himself. It will be centered around the Lance sisters and the huntress.

The Walking Dead Review

"don't worry..... I didn't hurt her brain"
Episode 14 of The Walking Dead season 4 was called "the grove" and it was by far the most messed up episode of the walking dead this season. I'm talking about Lizzie and Mika. Well actually just Lizzie. She was convinced that the walkers weren't going to hurt her so she wanted to prove it to Carol but she wasn't listening. Lizzie knew that to prove her point she had to do something a little bit more powerful so she kills Mika. yes, SHE KILLS MIKA! wtf?! it was up there as one of the saddest moments in the walking dead so far. Just to remind you about how painful the scene was, click here for the scene sorry the quality isn't that good. I actually believe that this may have been worse than Sophia's death. Purely because i always had a small suspicion that Sophia was dead, but I NEVER EVER saw this one coming. It made me despise and
Tag! you're it!
sympathize for a character at the same time! something that only the walking dead can do to me. It was definitely the best moment this season, i mean in a really psycho messed up way! The end of the episode left me feeling two things; it left me feeling really sorry for Carol and it left me feeling that The Walking Dead has got its spark back and sets up amazingly for the last two episodes of the season. well done Walking Dead you have my attention once again!

My Complete Opinion on Batman Vs. Superman

Yes, you heard me, im going to give you my full opinion on the upcoming DC powerhouse movie due for release in 2016. It has been the topic of sooooo much controversy ever since Ben Affleck was cast as batman. Ok, i am probably one of the only people you will read that says im really excited for this movie. I'm ok with the castings and im confident that Zach Snyder will do another fantastic job just like he did with Man Of Steel. Some people will have read that and said "YES! finally" other will read that and say "You're wrong." Well its my opinion, live with it! 

I'm going to start with Affleck. He is a great actor and director and his film Argo was award winning. He has a better muscular build than Bale did and so he will look very awesome in a
Fake! just showing you!
batsuit. Affleck's mannerisms and personality in Runner Runner were very cool and in clips of that film, I see a solid Bruce Wayne. If the suit does look like the Arkham games then its perfect, we pretty much have a real life Arkham Batman, whats wrong with that? Ok, now onto Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. I am a huge fan of fast and furious and i loved her in them! she was badass and she hated men thinking they were better than women. Perfect for Wonder Woman.
Fake Again!
 She is thinner than past carnations and she isn't very muscly however she can train and build muscle. She can train in martial arts. She has the face of Wonder Woman and its not about body shape to play the character. Shes hot. What more do we need; she can act, fight, she is hot, and she can get stronger. Stop hating! I've already talked about Eisenberg as Lex in one of my past blogs. I'm extremely happy with this choice. Henry Cavil was very good in Man Of Steel so i am very happy that they kept him on for the sequel and i think his characters personality will oppose Afflecks Batman and will Suit Gadot's Wonder Woman.The costume was done very well and Wonder Woman and Batman will follow that trend. I'm Super - over the freaking top - excited for this film and i have no doubt in my mind that this film will be super BADASS! and will destroy anything that Marvel try. Sorry Marvel fans!!

That's it for this week! sorry if i got a little tempered in that last section there! but im passionate about it! what can i say! If you are reading this from the USA you will most likely have already seen episode 15 of the walking dead, sorry it comes out on Mondays in the UK :-/ So! as always, comment tell me what you think of this weeks blog and even tell me what you want to hear about next week. Even if its not about superheroes! i don't mind. Please click the follow button near the top and share this blog anyway you can! text link, Facebook, Twitter anyway you can! The blog of steel has its own twitter now so follow me for on the dot updates! @The_BlogOfSteel even tweet to me about what you want to now about, I don't bite! Next week I will be back on Sunday as usual. See you all next week, Peace out! 

Sunday 16 March 2014

Web-slinging, Arrow shooting, Joke Telling, fast moving Awesomeness!!

Whats up guys!! hows your week been? mine has been pretty crap to be honest! There hasn't been any major updates this week :-( and there was no arrow. sad times. However! this week I will be..............

  • Previewing Arrow
  • Giving you my thoughts on the Flash suit
  • Talking about The Amazing Spider-Man 2 video game
  • Reviewing Ride Along


This week sees the return of arrow after another break! It returns with the 16th episode of the season "Suicide Squad" In the comics the suicide squad is a team of high wanted criminals who form a team to undergo secret black ops missions for the government in exchange for shorter prison sentences. Its clear that this version of the squad features Diggles who was recruited by Amanda Waller. Its a badass squad. And its also a highly dangerous situation for Diggles seeing as though he was involved in putting each one of them into prison. Good Luck Diggles!!
we would presume from the promo that their mission is to track down deathstroke and of course because its his show arrow joins in on the action. We see that Slade must be tormenting Oliver as he sets up the pole with the Deathstroke mask on it just like it was on the island. I don't believe that we will see Oliver and Slade face to face again until the episode called Deathstroke (episode 18) which would probably be the big fight!!! Arrow airs on Wednesday in the US. I'm gonna be honest im not that excited for this episode but im sure its gonna be awesome, it always is!

My opinion on The Flash Suit and more flash pics!

"whats wrong with my neck!?"
*batman voice*
I want to start by saying that i think it looks awesome! the mask is great and we knew that when we first saw it announced. The costume consists of a jacket, pants and boots. The color schemes are burgundy and dark gold. OK, its not red, but so what! it looks cool and realistic! and come on! at least its not spandex! its a cool dark red leather jacket which looks like its done up with a zip! REAL. and his pants are the same color with black lightning bolts on either side. It looks like Grant has easy movement in the suit and so he wont look awkward when trying to move, Sorry Christian bale!come on! I love the trilogy but his neck looks stupid and awkward. If you compare the pics, we see movie and TV budget! we also see a great attempt at designing a very hard costume! In my opinion The Flash costume has always looked a little silly, until this one.
 It looks great. The CW network have stuck to the same design as the Arrow costume, we need consistency. Also the arrow costume in daylight doesn't look the best. Just saying! Now on to the logo, its small and the red part is usually white but i think white adds comic/fantasy to the suit but that's not what we want. we want realistic badassery and that's what this costume is. I'm really happy with it and i can not wait for Flash's pilot!  Stop hating, The Flash is getting his own TV show!!! 

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Video Game!!!

You see! i'm not biased im talking about Marvel! and the sequel to Marvels game incarnation of Andrew Garfield's spider-man! the first game, was..... good?! it was better than it could've been but it was just like the game versions of Tobey Maguire's Spidey! they were pretty much the same game. However I bought it, played it and liked it! it gets a bit repetitive and the story wasn't great. But it was generally a fun game! Now the sequel looks like its a coming of age for Peter as Spider-Man as the protector of new York. 
The game features Electro, Kraven the Hunter and Kingpin. That's pretty epic! This games events will take place alongside the events in the movie. Now, in this game the world has been expanded and detail has been improved. Players will be able to roam the city as Spidey and in some cases as Peter without the suit. COOOOL! The game, like its previous, has various costumes, however this time each costume has unique abilities. The costumes announced so far are; Iron spider, Noir, Symbiote, and Cosmic spider! so all in all, this game looks pretty coool, there are a few rumors about venom and carnage but nothing is official yet. These villains might also be Easter eggs for future movies, who knows! this game looks fun, cool and like the previous so i think its a good buy! Click here for trailer!!

Ride Along!!!

"My stomach and my ass!"
Ride Along is the action/comedy starring Ice Cube and probably the funniest guy around right now, Kevin Hart. The movies plot is that Hart wants to marry Cubes sister but Cube doesn't like him so he takes him on a ride along with the police, (similar to a bring your son to work day) and Hart has troubles stamping down his authority. figures!! The film has laughs all the way through and will keep you engaged. Its not the funniest film ever but its not horrible, Hart was definitely the best actor to play the part, his funny voice and faces makes the film. The film is very predictable and some of the jokes are common from other comedies. The film does bring its own identity and does well to create comedy that suits all ages considering that it is a 12A. 
The action scenes were surprisingly good when Ice Cube smashes people up and Hart makes us laugh in the middle of it all! However, looking at both of the actors, I fell like it should have had a 15 age rating, this would have let Hart feel more comfortable because he doesn't have to filter what he says or does. I feel like the comedy was a bit too scripted. It never really felt like it flowed naturally. We all know Kevin Harts stand up comedy is the best, so seeing him look like he is on a script wasn't the best. The comedy is held up high all of the way through and it keeps you engaged with story and jokes spaced out well, the film is only 1 hr 40 mins long so its what you expect, I liked it and it was definitely worth a cinema trip! i give it a blog of steel rating of 7/10.

That's all for this week!! hope you enjoyed it and as always comment if you liked/didn't like what you read. Give me some feedback, tell me how to improve! be sure to click the follow button near the top of the page. The blog of steel now has a twitter page!!!! its @The_BlogOfSteel follow!! tweet to me, tell me what ya think! and give me some suggestions of what i should talk about! i just want to take a second to say thank you for anyone and everyone who has viewed my blog! tank you! please keep it up! and share this page to anyone you want! Next week I will Review Arrow, The walking Dead and much more! see ya'll next week! peace out!

Sunday 9 March 2014

Its Hero Knight!

There's no need real need to tell you what im talking about this week with a badass picture like that! But I will anyway. Here's whats we have in-store for this week:

  • A review the best episode of arrow I have ever seen
  • A talk about the next game in the Arkham game series, Arkham Knight
  • Batman/Superman filming has begun!!!
  • The Flash filming has begun!!
  • Two important casting announcements for Gotham 

*quick note*- anyone who needs to translate the page can select the language from the language bar on the right.

Arrow Review

"The promise" was an episode which the producers and directors all hailed to be a game changer and it DID NOT DISAPPOINT! it was sooooooo sick! sorry for that lack of description but it really was the turning point of this season. We saw this last season, around this point in time, Season 1 and its quality of episodes dramatically increased, it transitioned from "I might stop watching it" to "Its getting good now!"  and were witnessing something similar here its gong from "Arrow is really cool" to "Arrow is the best show I watched this week" we saw Slade learn the truth about Shado's death as they attempted to take the freighter. As you could imagine, Slade was pretty angry! to say the least. Plans went wrong Sara got back to the island and Oliver tried the same but Slade stopped him. Back in present day, Moira and Thea are taking "Mr Wilson"
 (Slade) on a tour of their house and Oliver isn't too happy about it. This is where Manu Bennett shines as Slade his language, mannerisms and subtle hints to his past are so entertaining in a villainous way. He verbally but subtly torments Oliver for the whole episode until Roy and Sarah show up. They surround Slade and Oliver says "What are you going to do now Mr Wilson?!"  and I loved his expression when he said it. As Slade leaves he tells Oliver that he has a team as well and that he will make Oliver's life a living hell just as he promised on the island. I don't usually rate TV episodes but this deserves a blog of steel 10/10. In the promo for the next episode suicide squad do we see Harley Quinn? It looks like her to me! 

Arkham Knight

Arkham Knight is the next game in the Arkham series. It is set after Arkham City and for those of you who don't know the timeline order of the games is Origins, Asylum, City, and now Knight. Because of this the joker will NOT feature in this game but fear not people! from the trailer, this game looks seriously badass! Bats has more gadgets in his arsenal and technology seems to have significantly improved. I'm talking about a BATMOBILE. that's right, a BATMOBLIE. Now I don't know if its just me blindly hoping but it looks like we may be able to DRIVE THE BATMOBLIE! 
if that's not enough to make you want to buy the game, you can also play as Harley Quinn with the pre-order bonus. This is just speculation, but in Arkham  Origins, there was a few references to Green Arrow. Will we see green arrow in this game?! I hope so but im very doubtful. If this is set after city then we could possibly have Nightwing, and maybe Red Hood? if we do, it just be a cameo I think. *sigh* But the game looks awesome and I definitely recommend buying it when it comes out. click here for the trailer. But I warn you, its very badass.

Batman/Superman update!

NBC Michigan reports that the filming of Superman/Batman has begun!! FIIIIIIIIIIIIIINALLLLLLY! Filming is taking place at a location on a camp in Michigan, that's why NBC Michigan reported it, I guess you figured that out though! The movie is code named "Sage and Milo." And the crew have constructed a whole house on the property. Michael Wilkinson is the costume designer for Bat/Supes and he was asked about his new designs where he said there will be "tweaks" made to the man of steel costume and he is very excited about his final product of the Batsuit however he didn't give much away at all. He was asked at the Oscars if he thinks that Wonder Woman fighting in her normal costume is a little silly and unrealistic and he said, "no, not at all." My opinion is that the Superman suit will look near enough the same to what we saw in man of steel. I think that the batsuit will be similar to the suit in the Arkham games and I think the wonder woman costume will be close to the costume in DC's new 52 comic series.

The Flash TV update

The Flash TV show's pilot has begun filming! and again, FFFIIIIIINNNNALLLYY!!!! the cast are up in Vancouver and they all seem very excited about what they are doing, we have already see the Flash costume and it looks really cool, we have a cast that's big enough for a pilot and we have a hype that's ready to see this pilot. It is still unclear weather or not the flash's pilot will be a backdoor on arrow or if it will be a stand alone pilot.
 I think now that the Flash has gained a lot of hype from his appearance on arrow, he will get a stand alone pilot which will air after an episode of arrow. As you can see, this is the set chair ready for Grant (Barry Allen). the logo, is the traditional flash logo from the comics with a few double lightning bolts around it. I am not too happy with this because I wanted it to follow the suit of Arrow, I mean in its modern look and realism and this logo, if it is the final thing, is very cartoon-ey! and looks a little bit like its not going to be a serious show. I will, however say, that the clapboard (thing used to shout "CUT") looks really flash-y! if ya know what I mean!!

Gotham Update!!

You should probably know by now that FOX is in development of a new TV show called Gotham which centers around a young Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) as he grows into his role as Gotham's most famous law protector working for the G.C.P.D. We will see a young, very young Bruce Wayne growing up as seasons go by. However, we will NOT see batman. We will see the origins of Gotham's most notorious villains. Hence the name Gotham. And it was announced that David Mazouz will be playing a very young Bruce Wayne and Camren Bicondova has been cast as Selina Kyle who fans will know as Catwoman. However, again, she will not become Catwoman unless the show goes to like season 10 or something! This casting was a bit weird seeing as though Selina will be older than Bruce. I don't get that! they will have an age difference of about like 4/5 years.  One thing im really looking forward to is the fact that I strongly believe that we will see the Wayne family Theater trip where they leave and Bruce's parents die. I think that would make for one helluva pilot episode!! news about dates of filming or release have not been announced yet. Stay patient. 

That's all of for this week! Bats/Supes is underway as well as The Flash!! I can't wait for them! Gotham has cast a Bruce Wayne which, as you can imagine, is a really important casting for a TV show based off of batman!! 
Arrow had the best episode its ever had and looks like it can only get better! could we see Harley Quinn? and Arkham Knight looks like it has had high development and it looks like they are going to try to be innovative to stop the hate that Arkham Origins received. This is easily achieved for me if I can drive the Batmobile! Like always, if you liked what you read, or even if you didn't, comment below! If you did like what you have read then feel free to share it or show it to anyone even if they aren't interested! Be sure to click that follow button at the top of the page and/or subscribe by email. See ya next week! peace out!