Monday 22 June 2015


*Jurassic Series music* Oh how I wish I could put music on this blog. Would've been such a cooler intro. Sigh. Anyway, Jurassic World is the fourth installment in the Jurassic series, although it doesn't really acknowledge the second two movies, lets be honest, we can understand why. This movie is one of, if not the most successful movie of 2015 passing Age Of Ultron at the box office. But is it actually as good as the hype says?.... find out in this review. I'll try to keep it spoiler free but i'll worn you if i'm going to spoil anything. Enjoy...

Jurassic World! I should start off by saying, contrary to the movies title, it is still a park. However, unlike the original trilogy, it is now a sort of theme park I guess, putting the dinosaurs on display for the public's amazement. It appears that the park has been open for sometime now and continues to attract mass customers. However with new attractions being added each year, its becoming harder to create a wow factor! "They're dinosaurs, wow enough!" which funnily enough, is an actual quote in the movie! The scientists at the park therefore create a new genetically modified dinosaur. Yeah... you know that's a bad idea! I won't go into exact detail though to avoid spoiling.

The movie's lead is Chris Pratt who plays Owen, an animal expert of some kind who was hired to oversee the treatment of the dinosaurs and safety of the park. The movie makes a point of  showing the audience how Owen has formed a relationship with his velociraptors; they respect and listen to him. We are then introduced to Claire, the parks Main manager making the important decisions. She does not have the same relationship with the dinosaurs that Owen does. Long story short, the plot involves Claire's nephews visiting the park and finding themselves in a very dangerous position and Owen and Claire must team up to stop the crazy freakin dinosaur and save the children!

The movie does well to implement humor throughout the movie without it being too cheesy or unnecessary. Honestly, its pretty damn funny! And I have seen a couple of reviews online claiming that the movie is slow and/or boring..... I assure you that this is not the case by any means. There is a lot of action but not enough to get sick of, a fair bit of comedy but not enough to undermine the story. And the dinosaurs...... oh the dinosaurs just look awesome. They look amazingly real. From the actual known dino's like the raptors and the pterodactyls to the new genetically modified dino's, the visuals are spectacular. 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

If you don't want spoilers, skip this paragraph. **SPOILER ALERT**
During the intense 'run for your lives' scenes involving the children, they end up at the abandoned section of the park. Can you guess where this is? Its the old park building from the original Jurassic park movie. That's when you know its Easter egg time!! The younger child picks up a pair of functioning night vision goggles which can be seen being used by the little boy in the original. The kids then repair a broken jeep labeled 'jeep 29' which, as you probably guessed, can be seen in the original in the scene where John Hammond is rushing to the danger area. Now the biggest most awesome moment and Easter egg in the whole movie... the T-REX! the big bad dinosaur, the Indominus Rex couldn't be beaten by the raptors alone, they needed a powerhouse and they called upon the T-Rex, of course! Now this isn't an ordinary T-Rex, its the T-Rex from the original Jurassic Park which still has its scratches and scars from its fight with the raptors all those movies ago.

Okay! **NO MORE SPOILERS** the movie closes after 2 hours and 10 minutes of entertaining action, quirky comedy and crazy freaking dinosaurs, and so a question starts to raise on everybody's mind... will there be a sequel? well, it isn't made obvious or even confirmed but on the other hand, it was left open. The plot makes sure to leave the movie open to a possibility of there being another. It is a box office smash so I think its very much possible. With that being said, judging by the way it ended, it would be difficult to make a sequel. It raises questions that are very difficult to answer.

Overall, this movie is as good as the hype says it is. It does extremely well to build off the original movie without relying on it. The cast provided strong performances with Chris Pratt (Owen) and Bryce Howard (Claire) being the stand outs, as they should be. It is a thoroughly entertaining re-imagined version of the 22 year old classic, providing fun for all ages. It is probably the best movie so far this year therefore getting a Blog Of Steel rating of 8/10, .

 That's it for another hopefully enjoyable post! Next week I'm not sure what I am going to post but I am going to post for sure! Thanks for having the patience to read the whole thing. even if you didn't, subscribe to this blog to be notified whenever I post. Like always, share this blog between your friends, family, pen pals, and just anyone really. Thanks. If you have anything you want to say then leave a comment below or tweet me @The_BlogOfSteel. See you next week!

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