Friday 12 June 2015

Blog of Steel: The Return

Holy crap! the last time I posted was literally a year and four days ago. Sorry, I've had college and exams to deal with. Anyway.... The Blog of Steel is BACK!! with its normal inconsistent posts and weirdness! You happy? Well you should be!! I had to drag this blog through the deep, dark abyss of the lazarus pit! And what a time to return! we have a lot to discuss. But  from here on out, its a huge **SPOILER ALERT!!!** lets get to it! this week....

  • Review of the Arrow finale 'My name is oliver Queen'
  • Review of The Flash finale 'Fast Enough'
  • Batman V Superman promo images!!

Arrow review - 'My name is Oliver Queen'

Ok guys, this episode closed off another great season of Arrow, arguably their strongest season yet. However, I do have to say it left me feeling pretty underwhelmed and not satisfied. I love the show and I'm really happy with the way it has st up for season 4 but the episode itself wasnt very good.
Quite near to the start of the episode, Oliver reveals to Ra's Al Ghul that he is still Oliver and not Al-Sahim in what was probably the best scene of the episode as Oliver shouts "My name is Oliver Queen" and starts an entertaining fight scene on the plane.

It all boils up to the point where Oliver and Ra's face off on top of a bridge, (with a 'coincidental' risk of falling to your death) which is expected to amaze viewers just like the mid season finale fight. But, it didn't. It was slow, unimpressive and was over far too quickly to the point it where it seems like an easier fight then non-mirakuru Slade Wilson. Oliver is then shot and falls to his death... Surprise!! Felicity in the Atom suit is there to save him. Pretty funny!

New 52 cover art
The episode ends with Felicity and Oliver running away together to coast city (Wink Wink) and Oliver claiming he has retired as the Arrow. Diggle and the gang; Laurel (Canary) and thea (Speedy) are presumed to keep the job of saving starling city. Don't worry, Arrow will have a season 4 and Oliver will be a hero once again just not as the arrow but as..... Green Arrow! Awesome right! I believe that any show on its fourth season should change and reinvent itself. Thats why im happy with the ending its just the rest of the episode was mediocre. I would have to give it a Blog Of Steel rating of 7/10. happy but I expected more.

I will cover whats to come in season 4 in a future blog post along with my thoughts on the upcoming Arrow/Flash spinoff, Legends of Tomorrow.

The Flash review - 'Fast Enough'

So this is how you make a kick ass finale! Arrow, take note. The Flash has only had its first season and some are already calling it the best TV comic book show ever. I cant say I disagree. The season never really dropped (except episodes 2-5, they weren't very good) and has just continued to get better and better! The cast are great, the story is amazing and the CGI is pretty good! it has the perfect balance of romance, drama, action and comic-ness and this season finale blended it all into a perfect 40 minutes.

Lets start with Barry and his dad, wow, thats some emotional television right there folks with acting on point! makes me tear up everytime. Henry Allen tells Barry he believes everything has a natural order and shouldn't be messed with through time travel. talking from experience?? do we have a possible Jay Garrick here?? we did see the helmet near the end. Only time will tell. The episode then progresses to Caitlyn and Ronnie's wedding which will play a huge part in the first half of season 2. trust me. Barry then travels back in time to save his mother but is stopped by future barry who warms him, by one hand signal, that saving his mum is a bad idea. Cue the next emotional scene where Barry sees his mum die but reveals who he is, I teared up again, don't judge me. 
"its me mom, Barry, I'm ok and Dad is too. I love you"
Just wait till ya see season 2 
Barry then makes it back in time to stop Wells (Eobard) from leaving, they face off in a really intense scene which ends with Wells ready to kill Barry until Eddie makes the ultimate sacrifice and shoots himself. If Eddie dies, Eobard can never be born, therefore wiping him from existence. However, messing with the time fabrics that much caused a worm hole to open in star labs and a black hole to open above Central City. Eddie is sucked through the wormhole whilst wearing a necklace with a ring on it. Iris engagement ring or Flash ring?? not sure, but what I do know is that wormhole means we have not seen the last of Eddie. And technically if Eobard never existed, he never killed Wells which means Tom Cavanagh could possibly play the real Wells in season 2, cool. Barry then tries to close the black hole but actually ends up running through it. Great cliff hanger for season 2 along with some of the easter eggs we saw such as the flash museum and Killer Frost. This episode gets a Blog Of Steel rating of 10/10. I will cover Flash season 2 in a future post which will also include the earlier mentioned Legends of Tomorrow. 

Batman V Superman: New promo posters

"I'm here to help"
Firstly, the Superman one. I really actually like this poster. I think its sleek, stylish, modern and purely just badass. It seems as though superman gained the governments trust from the events of Man of steel and now theyre trying to convince the public that he means well. However, the public are not listening. As you can see, 'False god' has been written over the poster along with 'Superman destroyed metropolis' which is a widely held criticism of the first movie. Zack Snyder is acknowledging the criticisms, thats a good sign. On to the most interesting part of the poster... 'Luthor is our saviour' presumably because he has the money to help rebuild the city and he hates superman and is probably causing negative effects on how people view him. Luthor's persuasions will probably make Batman doubt Clark's intentions.
I'm the hero Gotham needs...

Now the Batman one, which is also very cool because its almost the exact opposite of the Superman one! the government hate him and want him caught however the public are very much on Bruce's side and realise that Batman is helping and is needed more than ever. The phrases 'Save our city', 'Fear the bat' and 'Gotham's dark protector' are written on the poster along with the massive 'HERO' witten across the middle. it is clear that Batman is no longer a myth of Gotham has come into the public eye. This makes sense due to Batman being of significant age in this movie. However it does raise the question of if Batman has been around for a while, why are the police still after him? Are the GCPD against batman forever in this universe? 

Maybe teaming up to take down Lex Luthor in this movie will improve the public view of Superman and the governments view of Batman. Batman V Superman opens March 25th 2016. 

Thats it for this week! Hoped you enjoyed it, if you did, subscribe to this blog to be notified on future posts and make sure you share this with others that are interested in comics and movies!! And like always if you have a question or want to get in touch, tweet me @The_BlogOfSteel or leave a comment below! My next post will hopefully be a review of the upcoming summer blockbuster Jurassic World! until then, see ya!!

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