Sunday 23 July 2017

Justice league Comic-Con Trailer!

Arguably the biggest thing to come from this years San Diego comic con is of course, the second official Justice League trailer! Let me tell you, it's incredible. For this weeks post i'll be breaking down the trailer with some of the biggest parts or things you may have missed. Enjoy! I will only talk about what is shown in the trailer but ***There will be some spoilers but i'll warn you before you get to them*** 

The trailer released yesterday so if you haven't seen it, or you want to watch it again, WATCH IT HERE! The Justice League movie is set after Batman V Superman which ended with Bruce and Diane's faith in humanity restored after Superman's heroic sacrifice. The world is low on hope and the movies villain Steppenwolf takes this opportunity and arrives to raise hell on earth. Luckily, Bruce has secretly been putting together a team of heroes to defend earth in such cases. But will they be enough? Let's run through the biggest things from the trailer.

The trailer shows Themyscira where Wonder Woman's mother, Hippolyta, and the rest of the amazonian army are standing together when a huge beam of light from the sky blazes the ground. The movies villain, Steppenwolf, comes flying down and crashes into the ground in epic fashion. He is not one to be messed with. Clearly. Steppenwolf arrives through the amazonian motherbox. **Spoiler alert, skip to next paragraph to avoid** So the Motherboxes are sure to play the biggest part of the movie. So what are they? Well the story goes that centuries ago, a big bad alien (Darkseid) sent the leader of the apokolips army to conquer many planets. They get to these planets by teleporting through their alien supercomputers known as mother boxes. One of the planets good old Steppen tries to conquer is earth, but fortunately he is stopped by the combined forces of the Amazonians, Humans, and Atlanteans. The three groups split the motherboxes between them for safe keeping. It seems as though Wolfey boy has risen once again to finish what he started, raising hell on earth. He lands in themyscira by teleporting through a boom tube to the motherbox. Cool. as. hell.

Barry Allen aka Bazza Azza (literally no one calls him that) has arguably the best parts in this trailer.
Ezra Miller naturally pulls of the role delivering very funny comedic lines. One of my personal favourites; "It's really cool you guys seem ready to do battle and stuff, but i've never done battle, i've just pushed some people and run away". brilliant! A few Flash solo movie characters will be seen in the movie including Barry's dad but more importantly, Barry's love interest, Iris West. She can be seen at the back of the scene where Barry breaks through the glass window for a split second. Staying on that scene for a moment, HOW COOL WAS THAT!? He uses the speedforce to bend then shatter the glass window. The slow motion filming matched with the blue of the speed force (Thing thing that gives Barry his powers) makes for a crazy scene. Other than delivering funny lines and looking super cool whilst running, The Flash can be seen teaming up with the Lady of Themyscira by running fast enough to pass her sword back to her after she jumps off the bridge to catch it.

Badass. Just totally badass. I mean Batman may be cool, but he'll never be Aquaman skateboarding a parademon in the sky through a building and landing on his feet cool. That's next level stuff! The last trailer even showed Aquaman riding the outside of the batmobile through the streets under the red skies. He actually can't get any cooler. If you read my Aquaman post you'll know how excited I am for his solo movie, it's fair to say I am 10X more excited now! Aqauaman appears to be the outsider of the group. Still a member, just on the outside. He doesn't feel he fits in with them. He delivers the humour of exclaiming that he thinks they're all going to die! Aqua-Momoa is shown really in his element when underwater. These scenes look mesmerising and it seems as though he's under the water attempting to protect the Motherbox that was kept by the atlanteans. Can November just like, hurry up and get here already. please. I want to watch this movie now.

The trailer plays news audio that explains Batman hasn't been active since the death of Superman. This is presumably because he's mourning supes' death, recalculating his outlook on life and gathering data on the team of superheroes to fight the great danger he believes is coming. It's lucky Bruce is prepared right! Bruce can also be seen staring at a hologram of what we can only guess is Superman. Presumably, Bruce is figuring out a way to bring the guy back to life. Let's hope he succeeds because a Justice League without a Superman is just.. well.. still a Justice League to be honest but we want him back! Theres a little exchange between Mr Alfred Pennyworth and Bruce that references the famous Bat villain The Penguin. A future movie appearance? Maybe. We see some super cool action scenes with bats driving the batmobile way over the speed limit and taking out parademons like a boss! Parademons are basically Steppenwolf's minions. He is definitely the guy setting up the league but there seems to be a power struggle between him and the Woman of Wonder. Interesting.

The warrior of wonder opens the trailer by stopping some minor bad guys from breaking into what seems to be the museum she works at or a bank. She takes the guards out effortlessly even after being bashed in the bead with the back of a big gun. Ouch! She delivers some humour when explaining she hasn't been up to much over the weekend. She is helping Bruce strategise and set up the team and she seems to be co-leader of the league. Wonder Woman can be seen putting her epic warrior skills to use by being totally badass and taking down parademons with mad acrobatics and expert combat. She has one hell of a cool moment when she jumps for her sword and The Flash runs at super speed to tap it into a space where she can grab it. One of the coolest scenes in the trailer.

The half man half machine that is Victor Stone, Cyborg. The character was given a bigger spotlight
than in previous trailers showing a more finished sleek looking CGI and a very deep voice. Cyborg doesn't seem as though he'll bring much comedy but I really am excited to see what he brings! I wasn't too pleased with the first trailers' CGI but they really have improved it for the near-final look. His coolest part in the trailer is when he hacks the batmobile. HE. LITERALLY. HACKS. THE. BATMOBILE. Alfred was in the comms all like 'whaaaaaaaaaaat?' So yeah he's also super cool. Seeing him become Cyborg at S.T.A.R labs is a scene that will be very interesting to see. I'm guessing going from a half dead human to a machine isn't the most painless process in the world.

Finally! The beacon of hope, the Man of Tomorrow, the Last Son of Krypton... SUPERMAN! That intro totally wasn't over the top.... ok i'm a huge Superman fan, I know, I hide it well don't I. The trailer shows a hopeless world with Superman's absence. The hero's symbol is seen hanging from a bridge however, this isn't the usual yellow and red symbol. Its bleak, black and white. This is no mistake. Its a reference to the suit superman wears in the comics when resurrected after being killed by doomsday. Long story short, it's a nod to the comic where Superman is brought back to life. Whether the movie will follow up with the darkened suit is yet to be seen. The trailer ends with Alfred's glass of whiskey shaking, showing something big is approaching. We see Alfred speaking to someone who isn't shown. Mr Pennyworth says "He said you'd come, let's just hope you're not too late". It has to be Superman right? Some online speculation says it could be Supergirl or Green Lantern but I think that's just too far fetched. I mean, if you look carefully you can even see a red cape! There's a small chance the big Supes could come back evil but.... i'm not a fan of that idea so lets just hope he's good. With that being said, I think we can all tell that the resurrection of Superman is a scene that will be remembered for a very long time no matter how it's done. Hope reborn in the DCEU... hopefully.

A few other things.
Ok so the trailer gives us a new look at Comissioner Gordon played by J.K. Simmons. I'm a big fan of Simmons however im not yet sold on this version of Gords. He seems very old school like a detective from a classic 60's movie. It's a cool look, just one that i'm not sure will work for this universe. We haven't seen enough of him to form a final opinion yet so hopefully it works out. Theres also a reference to the Green Lantern in the trailer where Steppenwolf simply says "There are no protectors... no lanterns... no kryptonian". This shows the Lanterns exist in the universe and also hints at their appearance in the future.  Lastly, the movie references most, if not all, past DCEU movies. To name a few, the broken Superman statue from Man of Steel and BvS, Themyscira from Wonder Woman and the doomsday creation site also from BvS.

Overall, the trailer was amazing and definitely got me super super excited to watch the Justice League movie in November. What did you think of the trailer? Let me know by commenting below or tweeting me @Akash_Sond (Click it!). If you haven't already, click that follow button on the top right of the screen and subscribe by email just below that. Come on, do it! Who wouldn't want to?... I mean my blog posts are the most awesome, most entertaining and most informative comic blog posts in the world! That is a fact based on statistics produced by a totally real and official blog statistics governing body. I hope you enjoyed this post and i'll see you next week!

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