Monday 9 June 2014


I'm back!! I know it has been ages since I posted something and i'm sorry but I had exams. Well, I still have exams but im nearly done! I have enough time to actually post something every sunday! So lets get to it! This week I will be....

  • Updating you on the upcoming, NOW TITLED, Batman VS Superman movie 
  • Reviewing the Arrow Season finale
  • Reviewing the Flash extended trailer 

BATMAN v SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice

You still think i'm not Lex?
Yes! the official name and logo have been released! BATMAN v SUPERMAN: Dawn of Justice! of course, this has received a lot of hate over the internet, which is expected now. But once again, I am really happy with this choice of title. It perfectly sets the franchise up for a Justice League movie, which is all I really want from life! before you freak out saying "oh but its not a superman sequel" or "why couldn't they just call it Dawn of Justice" well, think about it! Thor gained so much hype after avengers so Supes will too! plus, if all goes well, imagine the anticipation for what comes next. And the title, if it was just called Dawn of Justice all the old people or cave inhabitants would be like "what? I don't know what this is. I'm not watching it" Whereas, you mention bats and supes and everyone goes crazy! The only minor problem I have with the title is the "v". Why 'v'?? why not 'VS'? That puzzles me! but still, overall its a great choice of title and it gets me all the more excited for its release. The logo is epic. Its untouchable. And with the title underneath, its amazing. A few days ago I had some doubts about Eisenberg as lex until I saw this fake picture of him bald. I was of the opinion that he has the swagger of lex but he wont look good bald. I was wrong! He looks awesome and it has removed any doubts from my mind. I cant wait!

Arrow - Season Finale

We're pretty badass!
"Unthinkable" was epsiode 23 and the last episode of Arrow's strong second season. And as an episode of a superhero TV show it was very good. It had the badass moments that we expected to see and it gave us the typical cheesy scenes between the characters. Especially that scene where roy has his 'golden arrow' moment when he fires that one shot right on the money! The episode had the usual expanded budget of a season finale with cool effects and situations that make it badass. I suppose the name 'unthinkable' implied that one big thing was going to happen that would drastically change the course of the episode. However there was a few small things that were unthinkable.

Red Arrow is HERE!
 For example we found out that Diggle's is a father, Oliver said he loved felicity, Thea left with malcolm, Sara left, Detective Lance got hurt and Slade was put in prison! all of which are pretty unthinkable! But lets talk about the flashbacks, I liked them, then I accepted them, and now? I really do not like them! I hope that in season three they slow them down and make them less frequent. Now onto the final fight between Oliver and Slade! After Oliver had outsmarted Slade by making him think that Felicity is the girl that he loves (or does he really love her?) they had their final showdown! And it was one hell of an epic fight which flashbacked to the scenes on the island where Oliver drove an arrow through the eye of slade. The fight ended with a cured slade tied up against a wall. Defeated. Amanda Waller called off the strike, Starling city was saved once again!
"Kill me or not, I win."
The season finale was different then a standard CW finale. There was no real surprise or twisty cliff hanger to end the season it was more of an episode where all storylines were closed and a
happy end was reached. This is to show the fact that Oliver is now a hero. He saved the city without killing and locked slade in prison where he is unable to hurt anyone. It sets season three up with endless possibilities. I like that. We can go anywhere from here. A little storyline teaser wouldn't have hurt though! But overall, a strong, confident end to a strong, confident second season.

The Flash - Extended trailer review

This picture is sooooo badass!

Before I continue, if you haven't seen the extended trailer, the  link is here!
Flash costume looking cool!
I'm going to say, that this program looks amazing for comic fans, it looks funny, entertaining, cool, awesome, and a great representation of an iconic comic character. However, to a non comic fan, it may seem a little stupid. Say, if you compare it to he quicksilver scene in the new Xmen. That was on a movie budget. The Flash definitely has a TV show budget! so it will not look as cool as that. But to me it seems like they have done the best job they could do. The visuals seem as though they will be more like sharp red and gold lighting strikes that 'flash' as barry runs. This is especially seen where we see the murder of Barry's mother (0:15 in the video) and these visuals are stunning! I think that Grant portrays a very relatable and friendly Barry Allen. His character is easy to empathise with. The trailer shows that BArry has hero in him since day 1 but the main part of season 1 will be barry trying to learn new things that his powers can do whilst using them to destroy minor meta-humans that cause the city some disruption. Arrow is seen in the trailer just to confirm that Oliver will be involved in the flash pilot and may have more appearances later on. Iris looks great, she plays the role well and it looks like they got the casting right. We will have to wait and see if she plays the usual damsel in distress! Caitlin Snow has had a brilliant performance already as seen in arrow and it looks like she will play a huge part in the series. yes!!
As I was repeatedly watching the trailer i noticed something cool at (2:12). Site where they test Barry's speed is a FERRIS AIR testing facility. Im hoping that a lot of you just went "OMG GREEN LANTERN!" yes, Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern works at Ferris Air. could we be getting a lantern spin off? seems a little far fetched but we can hope!

That is it for this week! I am back in full flow and I will be posting every Sunday! or at least, if I cant post, I will let you know and I will post on a different day! Make sure you follow me and subscribe by clicking the button near the top of the page! Let me know your thoughts on the new title, The arrow finale, The flash or anything you want to talk about by commenting below and tweeting me @The_BlogOfSteel 
Have a good week and I will see you next sunday! peace out!